Leigh Tarrant on crazy times photo shoot

My name is Leigh Tarrant and I make films under the name of Skooch Media; a small independent video production company that I founded in 2009.

From the early days of studying at Mountview Theatre School in London, coupled with playing bass guitar for a few local North London bands of the day, I decided to change direction and join an advertising agency to learn the art of editing. I was later fortunate to get an outlet to work for one of London’s leading advertising agencies (running an in-house video facility) essentially editing TV commercials. From there I moved into film making and took the opportunity to further enhance my media skills to make corporate films for such clients as Honda, Pepsi, GSK, Sainsburys and Volvo. As well as learning the craft of editing, I developed my understanding of camerawork and all aspects of putting documentaries together for our in house clients. Eventually the time felt right to set up my own facility where it is possible to encompass a broader spectrum of media projects away from what agency life could offer.

The work on this website shows what I do as an individual as well as films I have created in collaboration with other film crew. I am happy working as an individual film-maker or as part of a larger team with other crew members working on large scale productions. I can personally facilitate all aspects of film making from pre-production work, such as concept and scripting, through to production services including directing, producing, filming and finally post production editing from my own suite.

It is also necessary sometimes to hire in added lighting and camera tracks etc and, in turn, additional skilled film crew to whom I have good access. Together with our existing team and extensive range of broadcast quality equipment, this all serves to further enhance our range of resources that can regularly be relied upon.

I am personally very proud that since its launch in 2009 Skooch Media has grown to become one of the leading edge video production companies in the East Anglia, working with major clients in London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Suffolk and further afield throughout the UK. Our full team of experienced and professional cameramen, sound crew and production assistants achieve great results with high visual impact every time; and I believe our commitment, understanding and customer focused approach helps build lasting relationships with our clients as shown by their repeat business. Consequently our video production portfolio is today extremely comprehensive and demonstrates that we can deliver to any size of project, proving that broadcast quality video production doesn’t need to break the bank.

If there’s an idea you’d like to run by me, then I’d love to hear from you.
