Here is a collection of official DVD/Blu ray publications which feature our films. Just click on each ‘cover’ to open the relevant link where you will be able to see any reviews that accompany the publication together with current purchase price information. Each link opens in a new window.
Available to rent / purchase from Video-On-Demand (clicking the image will take you to the relevant page)
Alternatively, order the DVD through our contact email address here
The Cherokees – The Burger Van At The End Of The Gig Movie
Available to rent / purchase from VIMEO ON DEMAND
Clicking the image will take you to the download page.
The Room : Live @ The Robin 2 DVD
Available to buy from Amazon
Honda COG (advertisement)
The DVD giveaway disc (now deleted) was given free with 1.2 million Sunday newspapers. Read the detailed analysis of how the advert was put together on Wikipedia, where you will also find a link to the finished advertisement. You can still watch the making of Honda GOG on this website by following the link to ‘Motion: Corporate’.