The Presence of Snowgood

Skooch are proudly working on a new movie which will feature gothic horror princess Caroline Munro. (pictured)

Currently there’s a Crowdfunder appeal just to help market and distribute the movie once completed at the end of 2023.

Click here to visit the Crowdfunder page.

The official IMDb page can be viewed by clicking the image below.

Our local Newspaper ‘Heathfield News’ kindly did a scoop for us also. Please click the image above to view the article.
Adorning this months film Stories magazine (Issue 44) is Emily Blunt, the issue also features a look at our new film in production.

Currently been working alongside Quest Graphics on building the all new WEBTV platform for Rick Wakeman.

“Surely this has to be the way forward to give fans old and new the best way to view and listen to the music… A very sensible alternative to those platforms that already exist.” – Rick Wakeman

Click the WEBTV logo to visit the site.

In the April 2022 edition of the popular movie magazine, Film Stories, ‘A Curious Tale’ gets a feature all about the screenplay. Available now to purchase online here.

Extremely good news that our film ‘Curious Tale’ has won its first international movie award in the ‘Best Original Concept’ category. The film was also nominated for three further catagories, Best editing, Best atmosphere and Best kill. Great work from the complete production team. Nice way to start the new year..

Newly Restored

The official poster for Rick Wakeman

Saturday, 27th November 2021; our new film’s premiere.

Press feature – Heathfield based production company were spotted filming on locations around East Sussex for new TV short film.

Click here to view the article.

 2024In conjunction with Crocodile Media and Warner Chappell UK, Skooch are proud to have made a new TV drama during summer. It concerns an archeologist in search of the three royal Sussex crowns. Filmed in East Sussex and released Christmas 2024.

Kim Cypher’s new film launched on a wave of publicity. We thank all those involved for such a lavish production.

One such special feature is from ‘Jazz in Europe’ which can be viewed via the link below.

Click Here

We are proud to have been awarded for this special film as best video of 2020 with renowned Jazz artist Kim Cypher.

Knight Relief! – Here’s a newspaper scoop highlighting the new NHS Coronavirus film.

Click here to see the video.

Skooch are pleased to be working on a new edit of AMERICA live in concert from London’s Palladium. Already a successful concert release, we are creating a new amended edit for the America TV networks. From their formative years, America has been a band capable of transcending borders with its uplifting music and positive message. Embracing a rainbow of divergent cultures, America’s audiences continue to grow, comprising a loyal legion of first, second and third generation fans, all bearing testament to the group’s enduring appeal.

Skooch are now proud to announce their new film for Rick Wakeman; a complete live concert shot at Lincoln cathedral last March. A must see for any fan of the progressive rock keyboard maestro playing what he does best; the Steinway piano. A wonderful experience working alongside Rick, capturing all new interviews and anecdotes about each song, along with recording the whole event in one evening. Order and purchase details can be found at the publication & Sales page on this website.